Friday, 20 January 2012

A frightening day

We got to the hospital and it was a rough beginning of a hard day!

Erica started to get very angry, with being suctioned. She wouldn't settle so her heart rate increased, she became transparent and molted and her oxygen went down. They needed to sedate her, and it worked until and hour and a half later the sedation wore off and then she got mad again. This time her heart rate started to decrease and she also started to de-stat to 30 and below... they needed to bring her back. Once they got her back up and her oxygen levels at a good level, they put her on a constant sedation and paralyse to help keep her calm. The vent machine started to breath for her as they needed to really put her to a hard sleep.

It was the hardest and scariest thing I have ever seen or felt. She was white/Gray and complete lifeless. At one point in the morning there was 12 people around her working on her to get her stable, and all we could do was sit back and watch.

After a few short minutes of her finally being stable again, the cardiologists came in along with an echo tech and some respiratory therapists, to do a test on her with Nitric Oxide in her O2 vent to see if her veins would dilate and help her oxygen and pressures, and it worked. It was all very hard to watch. She ended up having to get another 55 mils of blood as her blood count was low.

Erica is now heavily vented at 80-100% oxygen and 30 pressure with 10 Nitric Oxide and a min Peep of 10 and a max of 29. She's also on Lipids, TNP (amino acids), Continues Heparin, Rocuronium, Fentanyl, Furosmide, Sildenafil (Viagra), and lasic's. We asked to get the jaundice shades for her because her eye's would spontaneously open slightly even thought she was heavily sedated and paralysed. Today we meet with Dr. Ian Adatia and we went through his thoughts and what the next step was. He was pretty firm on doing the full repair.

It was hard to leave, but we were exhausted and hadn't eaten all day, so we went for supper around 8:00 and came back in right away. Once we returned her colour got a lot better and her stats were looking good.

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