Monday, 9 January 2012

The CT scan

Ian AdatiaWell today was the CT scan. It was the day where we were to get confirmation, a plan, a diagnosis, and instead we got a bunch of confused Dr.'s and Surgeons.
The CT scan had shown that Erica had apparently grown a 5th vein. One of her pulmonary veins had branched off into another vein (however it's tiny and unusable)  The CT had also shown that she has 2 veins going into her right atrium and 2 going into her left. Only the 4th vein looked to be very stenosis 'ed, and by the view of the other stenosis veins they looked more stenosis 'ed the pressures on the cath procedure on friday had told them. The CT had also suggested that she may have some lung disease as they can't tell if it's solely the affect of the blood "back-filling".
They were thinking of  doing an extubation on her (taking out the breathing tube) after the CT today however because the CT made them more confused they are keeping it in. { We both thought of this as well and also mentioned to the nurses that as much as we would love to hear our sweat angel again, with pending surgery and her needing to be intubated it didn't make sense to cause more trauma with intubation and extubation repeatedly}
They are going to have their BIG tuesday meeting again tomorrow and Dr. Ashok Kakadekar is requesting Dr. Ian Adatia to weigh in on her case as he's a pulmonary hypertension specialist with offices in California, Edmonton, and Winnipeg.  They are also going to consult a Pediatric lung specialist.

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