Sunday, 15 January 2012

A possible plan

Today Erica is 82 days old 11 wks 5/7 days. Erica pretty much slept the entire day today as the RT (Respiratory Therapist) team and nurses needed to change Erica's tape on her tube and she got very angry with them. So they gave her a bit of sedation to help calm her, as her Stat's were dropping, and her heart rate was increasing a lot. Well the "little" sedation that was only suppose to last an hour lasted her the entire day. Guess they got her weigh/med ratio mixed up.
Erica did have some good wet diapers and some really heavy stinky ones too, never thought I would be so concerned over wet and poopy diapers before. Dr. Joynt told us that the cardiologists and other Dr.'s along with herself all feel that it's best to go in (through her side) and close her very large PDA (the echo was showing that it was a lot smaller then what it actually is) and take some lung tissue to do a biopsy on them. They are real concerned, but they aren't too sure which way to go as her pressures are just too high to completely fix everything all at once. They also did a dialysis on her kidney's and that showed that her kidney's are great!
Tomorrow's the BIG MRA  day!
Fingers crossed we get some good news and they fix her up!
nice and content just before the re-taping and sedation
My dark curly hair... too bad it's mostly shaved off
Yippy... too bad a lot of that weight is fluid retention

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