Saturday, 14 January 2012

A pretty good day

Today we had another pretty good day. The Dr.'s decided that they would play a little with her vent setting so she doesn't have to work hard at all, because they've decided that they aren't extubating at least until they figure out what the next step is. So her O2 is now at 36% (room air is 21% and she was sitting at 23%) and Her Peep (amount of air left in her lungs (pressure)) is at 8 (it was at 4-6) So she is vented a bit more, but it all means that she'll save all her energy.
She also pee'd more thought out the night and during the day, which means that the lasics are still working. They did another x-ray this morning which was a bit better then yesterdays but not much. They also started her on Heparin (blood thinner) for the clot in her right groin (in the artery)
Erica spent the entire afternoon playing and interacting with us. She was awake from 12:00 until shortly after 5:00 pm. Then she was a bit restless (well quite a bit) she finally settled around 6:30.
Playing and talking to Erica took us back to when everything was good, the only thing that was wrong with Erica was that she just needed to grow and get on her bottle feeds (Little did we know then). We haven't interacted with her like that in quite a few weeks as she's either been sedated or just plain exhausted herself. She was smiling again and I am sure if she didn't have the tube down her throat, she would have been vocal... cooing and telling us stories. I wanted so badly to just pick her up and let her bounce on my legs and cuddle her.
Today Erica weighed in at 3.45 kilo's, which is just under 7 lb. 10 oz.

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