Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Happy Birthday!

It's 2:55 am on Oct 25th, 2011.

The OB finally came back in and check and decided to break my water. She broke it and said "ok, I'll be back in a few hours to check on you". I looked at Dave and the nurses and said, "ok, but don't go too far as I am sure this wont take long, once my water breaks it never takes long". She left and not even 2 mins later my contractions started getting pretty intense and not far apart at all. ( I was no longer on the pitocin for a while, totally all my bodies own doing)
I asked the nurse if I could please get the epidural,she offered it to me prior, but with being in labor at 34 weeks, and knowing the size of the baby, I wasn't too comfortable with drugs, although I had done it with and without the epidural before. So she got the anesthesiologist in, to get it started and he was in right away. But now the contractions are on top of each other and I have my head in Dave arm, crying. I couldn't get into my comfy position because we needed to have the monitors on the entire time incase the baby couldn't handle the contractions. The epidural was in and he left at 3:05 and no sooner with him leave I knew it was time. I wasn't going to get the pain free birth I thought I was going to get.

I told the nurse It's time and she said "no hun not yet try to breath through them," I said "no, it's TIME i need the Dr.'s NOW, this can't wait and wont wait the baby's too small and will fly out there's no holden back!" The Dr.'s no later came running in. We had 3 OB's in the room 3 nurses for me including the charge nurse, and a team of 5 NICU staff and Dr.'s in the room, and with one very slight push...

Erica Elizabeth was born at 3:12 am weighting in at 3 lb. 6 oz (4 oz heavier then expected) and was 16 1/2 inches long.

They put her on me right away and Dave got to cut her cord. Her cry was so perfect, her color was great and she looked right at me. Too bad I couldn't see great through all the tears. Then they weighed her and checked her apgar score (which we great by the way) then they wrapped her put and held her in front of us for a while before they took her to the NICU.
I thought for sure they were going to whisk her straight away, but they didn't and it felt so good!

She is beautiful and perfect in every way!

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