Friday, 21 October 2011

The Big Appointment

Today we had our routine OB appointment and ultrasound with the High Risk Dr. I had been clotting and contracting and going back and fourth to L&D for a week already. The clotting was determined that it was my musuc plug.

The ultrasound today gave us the news that we wanted to avoid for a while, althought knowing that it was very likely that the chances of us being able to carry our little peanut to term were slim, we still weren't ready. 

In the past ultrasound weight check's, our little peanut wasn't gaining weight. Today she was estimate to be 3lbs 2 oz and 2weeks prior she was estimated 3 lb. It was determined that she is a IUGR baby. The placenta wasn't fully attached to the uterus causing only have half the nutrients required to go to the fetus for growth. The good news is that the baby was putting all the nutrients in the most important spots. (All the organ's). Everything else seemed to be good with her, she was breathing, heart looked good and everything. They couldn't see the placenta that well but her pressures seemed good on the doppler. 

At our OB appointment which was shortly after the ultrasound. It was determined, we had the choice of me being admitted to the hospital for constant monitoriong or we could go home and come back every day over the weekend for NST (Non-stress Test) the on Monday I was to be induced. We decided that we would go home and slightly prepare not only ourselves but Emily and Brayden. 

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